How to attract new customers for your car dealership

Every business needs customers to make sales and stay operational. Establishments rely on a steady stream of patrons to fuel their revenues. Depending on the nature of the business, an establishment expects certain numbers of patrons per day or month.

Businesses like Target offer a wide array of products, thus expect thousands of customers daily. On the other hand, businesses like auto dealerships can only expect dozens of customers daily since not everyone is out to buy cars. This is why car dealerships need clever ways to attract new customers, according to Jeff Lupient, CEO and president of Lupient Automotive Group. Here are some ways car dealerships can attract new customers:

Rewarding customers with personalized perks
Personalized perks don’t necessarily mean knowing a customer’s shoe size and sending them a pair of sneakers. Personal rewards could be as simple as greeting your customers on their birthday, sending them in-store deals that might interest them based on their previous purchase or lifestyle, or even simply checking up on them regularly and asking how your business can offer them further services.

Creating a social media presence
It’s common nowadays for businesses to have social media accounts. Even for low-traffic businesses such as car dealerships, having an easily accessible avenue where possible customers can interact with the business is necessary to attracting new customers.

Referral incentives
According to Jeff Lupient, referral incentives don’t have to come from current customers. At the same time, the rewards don’t necessarily have to be in-store items or services. However, if budget is a concern, then find ways to make a service bundle irresistible for would-be referrers.

Jeff Lupient is proficient in many skills such as new business development, automotive dealership, and sales. Jeff continues his professional development by completing a course of studies at the National Automobile Dealers Association Dealer Academy, where he was vice president of his graduating class. Read more about his work on this site.